Foyer Upgrades

Lobby Upgrades

Are the common areas or common property in your strata dated or in need of some TLC?

Over time these parts of a building can get run-down and need a facelift, refresh or renovation to help keep them up-to-date. A new coat of paint, timber flooring or a more extensive upgrade to the common areas in your building could be all they need to be more visually appealing to residents or new investors.

We project manage all aspects of renovations that apply to strata work, including works to uplift and renew dated strata unit blocks. This includes renovating entry areas, foyers and other common areas in strata buildings – as well as window and door replacement, tiling, painting and more. Our other key skill set is project management, so we can give you unbiased advice, full lines of communication and the planned outcome you desire.

If you represent an owner’s corporation, are a strata manager or building manager, get in touch with us today to discuss your project.

What we do: Sydney strata common area renovations

With our expertise in common area renovations in strata schemes we can take on a wide range of projects, including:

  • Common area upgrades
  • Foyer upgrades
  • New entrances
  • Internal/external repainting and painting
  • Window and door replacement
  • Stair upgrades

Let’s start by defining what common property is.

What is defined as common property in a Sydney strata scheme?

Common property in a strata complex is basically everything outside of the lot boundaries, bearing in mind that lot owners essentially only own the airspace in their units.

According to NSW Fair Trading common property is, ‘…usually the four main walls, the ceiling, roof and the floor’ of a unit. They go onto expand that common property also includes items such as the, ‘…pipes in the common property or servicing more than one lot, electrical wiring in the common property or servicing more than one lot, originally installed parquet floors, ceramic tiles, floor boards, vermiculite ceilings, plaster ceilings and cornices’.

For our purposes the Strata Community Association (NSW) definition is more appropriate in that it describes common property as the, ‘Areas of a strata building or community which do not form part of a lot and that every occupier or owner shares. Common property may include gardens, fences, driveways and visitor parking’, as well as other areas like entrance foyers, stairways and lifts.

These areas need periodic maintenance, repairs and renovations to keep them functional and appealing for residents and owners.

Who is responsible for the maintenance and repair of common property in NSW?

The upkeep, maintenance and repair of common property is the responsibility of the owners corporation.

In fact, under the Strata Schemes Management Act, it is a legal obligation for the owners corporation to keep the building in a state of good and serviceable repair. The upkeep is funded from the levies each individual lot owner contributes.

According to NSW Fair Trading, ‘…all strata schemes must establish an administrative fund and a capital works fund to administer the finances of the strata scheme. The administrative fund is used to manage the day-to-day expenses of running the scheme’, while the ‘…capital works fund (previously called a ‘sinking fund’) is to ensure there is enough money to pay for capital expenses when the job needs doing’. This can include projects like ‘painting or repainting the common property, acquiring, renewing or replacing personal property for the scheme, renewing or replacing fixtures and fittings that are part of the common property, and to replace or repair the common property’.

Owners are also required to have a 10 year capital works fund plan to ensure they are able to fund repairs and the maintenance requirements of the property. If there are not enough funds for these projects then the strata plan would have to raise a special levy to pay for the works.

Renovating common property in a NSW strata scheme: understanding the rules and regulations

All upgrades or renovations to common property require the full consent of owners in the strata scheme.

Permission to carry out works is typically obtained in a general meeting by passing a special resolution. Strata laws require the owners’ consent for any additions, alterations, or new structures on the common property. Special resolutions are not typically required for repairs, replacements. emergency works to common areas.

If you want to learn more about the regulations governing strata schemes in NSW there are a number of resources you can make use of, including:

You should also be able to draw on the expertise of your strata manager for advice and guidance.

5 real benefits of renovating or updating your Sydney strata common property

There are a range of benefits to upgrading and refreshing the common areas of your strata building, including:

1. Improving the aesthetics of your building

How your building and its environment looks counts for a lot, and keeping it well maintained and updated will help to make it an attractive place to live for residents. Well maintained buildings – with secure entry doors for example – also tend to be less of a security risk. You could also have an older building that needs elements – like foyers – to be updated to modernise it.

2. Raise the value of your strata property

By keeping your building well maintained and updating common areas you are investing in the value of your strata property for potential buyers and/or investors. The overall condition of common property like entranceways, foyers and stairs all count in making a positive first, and lasting, impression.

3. Keeping on top of routine maintenance and repairs

Besides the fact your strata scheme is legally obliged to keep the building maintained – including common areas, investing in regular maintenance, repairs and upgrades helps to reduce structural problems developing over time. Some strata schemes try to minimise expenditure, but this often ends up coming back to bite them months or years later when they have to raise large sums to fix issues.

4. Making structural improvements

Update structural elements of your strata building by:

  • Renovating common areas like foyers and entranceways
  • Replacing ageing windows and doors
  • Upgrading stairs and stairwells

This is especially true of older buildings where the investment can help increase the building’s market value, while also attracting new rental tenants and owners/investors.

5. Investing in sustainability

If your building is more than a decade or two old it is likely you will need to invest in upgrades to improve the sustainability of the property. One of the most effective projects is replacing energy inefficient windows and doors with modern, insulated versions. Strata schemes should also look at upgrading the lighting in their common areas, where LED and timed operation can help reduce costs over time.

Sydney strata common area renovation specialists: why work with us?

We have worked on many renovation projects in strata schemes, and partnered with strata managers and Owners Corporations to execute projects in a timely and professional manner.

We work with you to make sure we have everything in place before any works begin, including:

  • Engaging and communicating with your building manager /and/or Owners Corporation from day one – so we are all on the same page with a clear process of what is required
  • Present well-thought-out plans to help streamline the approval process
  • Manage the works according to the relevant by-laws of your strata scheme
  • Carrying out the works in a considerate manner, with regard to the residents of the building

Mr and Mrs Elias: Luxury Apartment Renovation Specialists

Are you an owner in a strata building but stuck at making a decision for the greater good of the building? Maybe your strata manager just doesn’t get it, they don’t see the vision.

Our team of owner corporation members have successfully delivered projects that have been sitting on the back burner for too long.

We listen to your needs and offer professional consultancy to bring your vision to life.




      Tell us about your project today.